
How To Create Unique Content To Build Your Website’s Authority

unique content

“Content is king” is one of the most popular phrases in the world of digital marketing. The meaning behind this powerful phrase is that creating unique, informative, and engaging content is the surest way of building your website’s authority.

Not only does content drive your online marketing efforts, it also defines your relationship with leaders in your industry. Industry leaders will respect your business more if you write great blog posts.

Factors To Consider When Building Your Website’s Authority

Although many other factors contribute to building your website’s authority, none matters more than content. These factors include site structure, social media, branding, and building relationships with industry leaders, which are all critical. However, without unique kick-ass content, your efforts will all prove to be ineffective.

No doubt your site’s authority is one of the most critical factors in boosting traffic, and the best way to get high-quality links is to write authoritative content in the form of blog posts and guest posts that offer lots of value. So how do you create valuable content that can build your website’s authority and boost your business? And what even makes great content? This post is going to be answering all these questions but first, let’s discuss the benefits of unique content.

Benefits Of Creating Unique Content

Many top content marketers, always advise to “create great content” and they do so for good reasons. Great content benefits your website in several ways including but not limited to the following:

Increased Trust

Your audience will trust you more if you write high-quality content. Consistently writing problem-solving, informative, and engaging blog posts makes you trustworthy.

Opportunity to Use Keywords

The bulk of mobile traffic comes from search engines and using the right keyword will ensure you have a piece of the cake. Great blog posts include the right keywords in the right places and the right proportion.

Provides High-Quality Backlinks

High-quality backlinks are vital to boosting your website authority. To get good backlinks to your website, write relevant content.

Now you know some of the benefits of great content, but how do you create them? The following will help.

Choose The Right Topics When Creating Unique Content

No matter how good a blog post is, if it is the wrong topic for your audience, you have only wasted time creating low-quality content that will not benefit anyone. When creating content such as blog post topics aim to apply the following:

Write for your readers

You would think this is a no-brainer, but many people do not write for their readers, they write to beat search engines, and this leads to picking topics for search engines and not those that solve problems, informs or educates readers. So, you need to write for your readers and choose topics that inform and engage them.

Focus more on providing value

Many business blogs are just too salesy, don’t be like them; be unique! Focus on providing value for your readers and email subscribers. If your content is valuable to them, they will buy from you.

Research topics that best suit your audience

You need to research to understand the minds of your readers. What are their problems? What questions are they asking?

Tools like Buzzsumo, Answer The Public and SEMrush can help you get topic ideas. They help you identify questions and search terms your audience is interested in. These search terms are called keywords, and they are what your audience type into search engines to get information about things in your industry. Let’s discuss how vital these keywords are.

Use The Right Keywords When Creating Unique Content

If you don’t have the right keywords placed throughout your content, forget about building your website’s authority. No one will visit your site only because they will not be able to find you. Keywords are integral in getting visibility and building your website’s authority; therefore, it is essential you learn to find the right keywords and use them in your posts.

Keyword research can be a little daunting for many, as it is a very technical process. For this reason, it is better to outsource it to an experienced SEO company that offers various SEO services. They can undertake extensive keyword research, competitor research, build an effective keyword strategy and help you write content that can enable your business to be found.

If you choose to take on the responsibility of keyword research yourself, various tools can help such as SEMrush, Google Trends, Keyword Planner, and LongTailPro. These tools can also provide useful insights such as keyword volume – a rough estimate of the number of people searching for a keyword in a month.

Keep in mind that when it comes to researching the best keywords to apply to your content, there are two kinds of keywords to look out for; Long Tail Keyword and the Short Tail Keyword.

Long Tail Keywords, as the name implies, are long. They include more words and are more specific. Here is an example of a Long Tail Keyword – “Blogging tips for new bloggers.” Short Tail Keywords, on the other hand, are more concise and less specific. An example – “Blogging Tip.”

Long Tail Keywords have better conversion rates and drive targeted traffic because they are more specific. So, it is advisable to use them more on sales pages.

Use Headings & Sub Headings When Creating Unique Content

One of the features of high-quality blog posts is its readability. As most people hate to read a block of text, as well as being essential for Search Engine Optimization, headings are great for structuring your post and improving readability. To keep people on your website for longer, you must produce content that is easily readable and using subheadings are the best practice.

When appropriately tagged, headings also contribute to improving your search engine results. Using H1, H2, and H3 tags give your content more structure and tells search engines to differentiate between title, subheading, and a sub-subheading. Generally speaking, H1 tags are used for your main title. In this blog post, for example, the H1 tag will be used for “How to create a unique content to build your website.”

Depending on the software you are using, you can quickly tag your headings when in draft mode. Typing with Microsoft word makes it easy to label your headings. You simply need to highlight the text and click on the heading you want to use from the styles section in the home tab. Other software such as WordPress offers visual editors that also have a similar setup.

Add Graphics & Images When Creating Unique Content

Images and graphics are essential ingredients in cooking tasty content and can deliver the type of blog posts that make your reader hungry for more.

While images are great for giving flavor to your content, they do more than that. They contribute to search engine optimization of that post or page. Hence, it is essential to include your keyword in your image’s description and Alt text.

Images and graphics are even more critical today because of social media. If you want your blog posts to be shared on social media, you must include attractive images.