
9 Important Metrics to Measure Digital Marketing Success

9 Important metrics to measure digital marketing success

Online marketing in this digital age is absolutely not negotiable for brands that want to remain relevant. Whether you are exploring paid digital marketing opportunities or using the free ones, it is always important to keep track of everything you’re doing in order to know if the business is making any progress or not.

If you would like to find out how you can apply metrics to measure your digital marketing campaign’s success, then it would be very useful to contact a digital marketing agency. For now, here are some of the important metrics that businesses can track in order to measure their digital marketing success.

1. Website traffic

Marketing a brand online requires you to draw the attention of the target audience to a specific place that holds all the necessary information that is sufficient enough to convince them to make a buying decision. This is what a website or a specific landing page on a website does. Brands need to be able to know whether or not they are getting good traffic on that website or landing page. To have more target audience going through the sales funnel, brands need to increase the number of website visitors that they are able to drive to their website. This is done through the digital platforms they have decided to market the brand on. If you are experiencing poor traffic then consider exploring other digital marketing platforms that will get you the kind of traffic you are expecting on the website.

2. Bounce rate

Bounce rate is a simple way to know if a digital marketing campaign is effective or not. Having great and convincing content on the website is not enough to get the desired conversion rate. Brands need to ensure that everything on the website or the landing page is well placed and organized in such a way that it would encourage website visitors to stay longer. This increases the chances of getting more reasonable conversions. If the bounce rate on the website is high, something on the website is putting the visitors off and the organisation will have to find the issue and fix it. Otherwise, the bounce rate will keep increasing. Also, the number of returning visitors will drop drastically.

3. Page views

The number of page views on the website can give brands fresh insight into the kind of content that are of interest to the website visitors. When driving target audience to a website, you use a single URL link per the digital marketing platforms. if these visitors do more than just viewing the content on the page they were directed to, by viewing other pages on the website, then this can really help boost the time they spend on the website. This in turn will eventually reduce the bounce rate as well.

4. Conversion rate

What better way to measure the success of any digital marketing campaign than keeping track of the conversion rate. This is what tells an organisation that they are getting it absolutely right with their digital marketing campaign. It will also help brands calculate their return on marketing investments.

5. Exit pages

While it is important to keep track of all the important metrics mentioned above and below, it is also important to know the exact point of exit of each visitor on the website. Of course, website visitors are going to have to exit the website at some point, whether or not the content is captivating and convincing. Brands must be able to track where and why website visitors exit their website. If the number of exit on the shopping page cart is high (especially when these visitors don’t complete the check out process), brands can dig in further to know if there was something causing that exit. The checkout page is a very important page for all e-commerce websites, so if there is an increase in the exits on that page, then brands will have to look into it to make all necessary corrections as well as verify that there are no errors causing such exits. And in cases where this problem is not on the part of the brand, brands also must search out and utilize more creative ways to get their target audience through till the end of the check out process.

6. Average sessions

The number of seconds or minutes a website visitor spent on the website can greatly improve other metrics brands track, like the bounce rate, page views, conversion rate and so on. Understanding this behavioral pattern of website visitors can give brands a deep insight into the kind of content that are drawing more attention as well as the layout of the entire website. If the layout of the landing page used to direct visitors to the website is poor, they are going to struggle with navigating the website successfully. And this will affect the time they spend on the website. Brands need to understand that the more time website visitors spend surfing through their website the more chance they, as a brand, have to get them to make a buying decision.

7. New visitors and returning visitors

Brands need to track the number of visitors that they have, both that of the new website visitors as well as recurring visitors. This will greatly impact the reach and impression rate of the digital campaign. If more visitors keep coming to the website, that signals that the chosen digital marketing platform is effective. Also, if a larger percentage of the total number of visitors in a day, week or month come back to visit the website again, then this is a major success for the brand because it signals that they have been able to get the right target audience and get the right content to keep them interested in visiting the website as often as they do.

8. Traffic source

Brands using more than one digital platform to market their brand need to be able to keep track of the platforms that are driving the most traffic to the website. This way brands can focus more marketing resources on those platforms that are driving quality traffic to the website. This not only helps brands cut cost on marketing investments but also help boost their returns on marketing investments because they are likely going to reduce the cost of acquiring new customers when they focus on the effective digital marketing platforms.

9. Email open rate and click through rate

This is an important metric to track for brands relying on email marketing for digitally marketing their brand.

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