
5 Important Landing Page Techniques

landing page technique marketing

Landing pages are very instrumental to the success of any online marketing campaign – but this alone is not enough to guarantee that a landing page will be successful. There are certain things that need to be put in place in order to generate the kind of results that great landing pages can actually give to businesses. If you would like your business to reap the rewards of a strong landing page, it would be a good idea to seek the assistance of an SEO marketing agency. They will help you reach your objectives faster and effectively. Now let’s take a look at these 5 important landing page techniques.

1. Have a focus and create a focal point

From the content to the design, the focus of the landing page must be well spelled out. The call-to-action that would be used for the landing page is always an easy way to determine the overall focus of the page. If your goal is to get more email subscribers, the call-to-action should indicate that, and the content as well as supporting images must all be speaking the same language. The moment you shift the focus of the landing page by mentioning something completely different to email sign up (like inserting links to other pages of your website), you have already created a reason for the visitor to be distracted which could hinder them from completing the call-to-action action.

The focal point of the landing page is also important. It serves as a signpost, showing visitors where to go to and what to do. The call-to-action text inserted in a button-like shape with an attention-grabbing color can be placed anywhere on the landing page but it is advisable to place it somewhere after the main information has been passed (just before you continue to other relevant information that you want the visitor to know). It is advisable to go with just one button, but if you must go beyond that, two buttons are okay. You can put the call-to-action text at least two different places on the page – one before the important information and another at the end of the page. Keep the call-to-action text very short and simple.

2. Simple designs

Ensure that every aspect of the design is simple enough. You don’t want to have excess content creating clutter anywhere on the landing page. Content should be well-written and well-organized in a way that makes it easy for visitors to flow with the message you are trying to drive. Your goal is to get conversions, and the more you bore the visitor with the complexity of navigating through the page they will leave without completing the task you want them to do. T

he first four lines on the landing page must contain the most important information, which can be accompanied with relevant pictures. Ensure that pictures used resonates well with the content of the first four lines which contain important information. If you are talking about a product or service that caters to African American babies, don’t use pictures of European babies.

Any other information you want to add after the first paragraph must be easy to understand without having to read it twice. Mix the text with different font size. You can italicize some or make some bold to create emphasis or call attention to something important within a group of words. You can use different fonts to create more effects too but don’t overdo it – two to three font types are okay. Ensure that the selected fonts are legible enough for anyone with or without an eye defect. Also, use a minimalist approach for the design space. Use a white background and keep colors and shapes simple.

3. Use a sharp, attention-grabbing color scheme

This is also very essential when designing a landing page. It indirectly affects how a message is perceived by the visitor, as colors can evoke a different emotional response to the content on the landing page. There is so much psychology behind color, seek more knowledge on this and translate it to your landing page when choosing the color (s) you want to use. You don’t have to stick with the color palette of the logo of the brand, especially if you have colors that might make it difficult to read the content on the page.

Use black for all the main texts that you want visitors to read easily. Pick two to three color that complement each other perfectly to design the page. These colors should also be mildly present on images that would be used to support the content. Ensure that the call-to-action text is very visible and enhance it by surrounding it with a button with one of the colors in the palette you have chosen.

4. Create authenticity

People can tell if something is fake and they run away the moment they sense it. It is okay to be inspired to create a landing page that you have seen somewhere else but do not copy the exact layout and design. Let the content, images and overall design of your landing page reflect your brand and not anyone else’s.

5. Responsiveness to mobile devices and browsers

This is very essential when creating landing pages. There has been an increase in the use of mobile devices and that number is going to significantly increase by 2020. You need to ensure that the page is well optimized for mobile views don’t always expect that visitors will use a desktop or laptop. You must be prepared for the mobile device users as well, otherwise, you will experience a lot of bounce rate on the landing page because no one is going to be struggling to look through your page while trying to understand your content. You should also test to ensure that the landing page also comes out well on most popular browsers, if not all. This would require that you properly test the landing page on several devices to see how it looks and on several web browsers too.