Best WordPress Plugins to Improve SEO

Want traffic that translates to leads and invariably to sales? Having a good SEO gets any brand or business exactly that. Imagine building a very lovely mansion that no one has ever lived in? Or that no one has ever set eyes on? Wasted effort and resources, right? Search engine optimization (SEO) is what makes the beautiful website you have adorned with very rich content visible to people who need to be reading what has been published on the website.
With a good SEO, the website is not just visible to people but it would also rank high on search engines and draw more traffic to the site. And the more traffic that a website has the greater monetization opportunity it would have.
Even though using a WordPress website automatically boosts SEO, based on the codes integrated into most of the WordPress themes, it is important that website owners put a little more effort in getting their websites optimized properly for all search engines.
One of the advantages of using WordPress to create a website is that website owners can have access to a lot of plugins. And some of these plugins can help improve the SEO of the site. These plugins can be implemented with the help of a specialist web design agency or with the help of the following 8 Best WordPress Plugins to Improve SEO of any WordPress website.
Scribe for WordPress
The scribe plugin for WordPress primarily focuses on the content and keywords that will help the website’s content rank higher on search engines. Using the scribe plugin will help website owners write content that is relevant to the overall focus of the site, to gain dominance for the keywords associated with the niche and drive relevant traffic. If a website focuses on vegetarian meals, for instance, website owners can use the scribe plugin to do in-depth research to find related keywords needed to write content relevant to the website’s focus.
Yoast SEO
Website owners can create better content using the Yoast SEO plugin. The WordPress plugin primarily focuses on ensuring that the focus keyword chosen is well used in the content area, in the title and URL, visible in the meta description area, added to the heading as well as images that will be published alongside the content. The Yoast SEO plugin also shows a snippet of what the content will look like on search engines in order to make adjustments where necessary. This plugin is free to use. Website owners new to the whole concept of SEO can start with this easy to use plugin.
Local Search SEO Contact Page
How often do you search for something in locations close to you? Have you been impressed by the detailed results of the search? There is something obviously responsible for that, and it is called local SEO. The local search SEO contact page plugin works on making use of local SEO to drive traffic to the website.
This plugin primarily focuses on telling search engines, Google, in particular, more about the business or brand (like the location of the company using Google maps, hours and days of operation, contact numbers, email addresses, the kind of services the business provides and so on). It also integrates social media sharing. It is free and easy to use. However, some advanced features in the premium version of the plugin come with a price.
SEO Auto Image Tags
The SEO auto image tag plugin primarily concerns itself with updating all images on a website with a very clean ALT tag and title tag to make all published images on the website SEO friendly and improve the SEO quality of the website. So website owners don’t have to bother about what to name such files, the plugin automatically does that for them.
Google Analyticator
Imagine having a Google fairy guiding website owners on what to do and what not to do in order to rank high on Google search engine (and any other search engine). The Google Analyticator guides website owners to understand what their target audience like or do not like, the kind of web browser they use, whether the target audience uses a mobile device or desktop, what visitors are clicking or doing when on the website. The Google Analyticator plugin extracts such data through the traffic the website already has. It can also work very well with Google Analytics.
SEO Content Control
With the ever-changing algorithms of most search engines, it is now important that website owners keep all published content well optimized for such changes. With the SEO content control plugin, it makes it easier, for website owners, to detect weak pages and posts (prone to being ranked lower by search engines) It also helps with preventing repetitive content on multiple published posts or pages which are likely to be ignored by search engines, identify posts with content that is too small according to search engines, track poor posts, excerpts and metadata and so on.
The SEO control plugin primarily flags down content that do not meet up to the current algorithms of search engines, giving website owners the opportunity to fix flagged contents in order to improve their ranking on search engines.
This popular WordPress plugin, created by the team behind WordPress (Automattic), comes with very powerful SEO tools. The premium and professional plan of JetPack gives users the opportunity to properly optimize their website in order to rank better on search engines. With the various SEO tools available for both plans, users can attract more readers from search engines.
WP Touch Mobile Plugin
The WP Touch plugin is specifically designed to create a beautiful and search engine friendly mobile version of any WordPress website. With the ever-changing algorithms of search engines, particularly Google, to suit the mobile device trend, search engines tend to rank websites properly optimized for mobile use higher than the ones that are not.
With the WP Touch plugin, website owners can create websites optimized for mobile devices to improve their ranking on search engines. The plugin is also free to use.