
7 Tumblr Marketing Tips

Tumblr Marketing Tips

Tumblr creatively infuses social media networking and blogging together to give content creators the perfect platform to do both effortlessly anytime with their desktop or mobile devices. This allows content creators to share any kind of content they wish, from texts to images or even video content.

The uniqueness of this platform made it gain a lot of popularity, growing a community of over 3.4 million blogs and billions of blog posts of various contents and formats.
One of the many reasons behind the remarkable growth of this content sharing platform is the successful combination of social media networking with blogging. This helps bloggers build the kind of audience they need to grow their blog followership and increase traffic to their blog.

With 555 million monthly users, over 20 billion page views per month and tremendous user engagement level, brands with products or services can get in on this impressive figure. If you would like to transform your brand’s marketing results using Tumblr, it would be beneficial to use a social media marketing agency, especially if you are after a more efficient work done with better results. Here are seven Tumblr marketing tips to obtain great results.

1. Create content that will appeal to your target audience

Tumblr is commonly used by young people usually under the age of 30. The internet is quite a large space and these age groups have quite a lot of things on the internet competing for their attention. These young groups are primarily motivated by visual content, so you have to invest a lot in creating very unique visual content types that will grab their attention. Doing this will help you build a robust following or audience for your brand on the platform. In addition to creating unique visual content, you can occasionally mix it up with other content types like links, quotes, audio and so on. The key is to ensure that you are focusing on churning out more of the kind of content that your primary target audience would be excited to see.

2. Focus on building more meaningful relationships

Unlike other social media networking platforms where people are going crazy over building followership, Tumblr is quite different as more focus is placed on interactions and engagement within the community. This implies you will have to go beyond just posting visual content alone to adding in-depth blog post (texts) to support it. The essence of doing this is to give your readers a starting point and a common ground to form a conversation on your post. This is because whatever extra content you’re adding to it will be supporting the visual content you’re posting too. Supporting your visual contents with in-depth content and posting consistently can encourage likes, comments and even repost (people reblogging your content on theirs). Brands should also form the habit of interacting with users that interact with their posts. It is also important that your profile is properly edited to reflect your brand. When readers stumble on your post and it resonates well with them, the next thing that comes to mind is to check up the person behind the post, so ensure you have an interesting and inviting profile.

3. Take your most engaging post and run a promoted ad

While you are putting plenty of effort into building your brand on Tumblr, you can also use your most performing post to run an advert on Tumblr to increase engagement. These ads can be targeted to a certain location, age group or gender and even interests.

4. Creatively integrate Tumblr with social media

Brands can take advantage of the impressive traffic that Tumblr can provide by sharing highly attention-grabbing visual content along with links to their social media platforms. This is a great way to sync your followers and readers on Tumblr with other things that are going on your other social media platforms and website. You can also add a social media share button to your Tumblr so it would be easy for readers to share posts they find interesting with their inner circle of followers on other social media networking platforms.

5. Make use of hashtags in your posts

When posting always ensure that you use both general hashtags that users frequently use, especially the ones that are relevant to your brand and the users you are aiming to get their attention. This can get your content more exposure as well as increase engagement level. If you’re looking to gather and build a wide following or leadership use hashtags that are relevant to the interests of the different audience you’re trying to reach.

6. Pick a niche and focus on it

It can be tempting to publish content that is completely different from what you are into just because such contents are trending and seem to be the ones getting more result. Instead, you can make relevant comments on such trending post so you can draw some traffic from that your own page. You need to be focused on the kind of content that reflects your brand. People will always pay more attention to unique content. This is the kind of content that can stand the test of time because trending content has a very short shelf life that appeals only for a period of time. However, content that focuses on a niche has a longer shelf life than trending content. You can occasionally mix some fun elements into your content to bring in a little bit of comedy to lighten up your page but it should be very minimal. Remember that you’re a brand and every post you push out must reflect that brand and its niche.

7. Ensure your post elicits and stimulates human emotions

This is a grand marketing rule that needs to be infused into your brand’s content marketing strategy for Tumblr. Doing this can increase engagement.