6 Video Marketing techniques for conversions

Video marketing, in the past few years, has grown to become an essential content marketing technique that brands who wish to remain relevant cannot ignore. Video marketing can increase the traffic on a website, boost conversion, leads or sales and even expose the brand to a new set of customers that will find their product or services relevant.
The race is still ongoing to keep churning out video content that will keep their target audience engaged as well as keep creating awareness about their brand while creating more people that will remain loyal to their brand. However, the question most brands often ask themselves is how they can use these videos to get more conversions (in terms of getting relevant leads and sales) to make up for the cost of creating such videos as well as use it to increase their sales revenue.
In this article, we will discuss 6 of these techniques that you can start using to get more conversions through your videos. Additionally, if you would like to start using video marketing techniques to increase your conversions it would be very helpful to get in touch with an SEO marketing agency to assist you. Now let’s take a look at these 6 video marketing techniques for conversions.
1. Keep the video short and simple
No one wants to spend minutes on one video when they have a lot of other video content waiting to be consumed. This is why brands have to be very cautious about time when creating videos. Irrespective of the kind of video you are creating for the brand, always keep it short, simple and self-explanatory. Website Builder explained that videos that are at least thirty seconds or even less are more effective in grabbing the attention of the viewer, rather than long videos that seem to drag.
Take a cue from the time slot on most YouTube channels when an advert is running. Most brands running adverts on YouTube, understand that after three seconds the viewer has the right to skip the advert. Therefore, the wisest thing to do is to convey the key point in the message within the first three seconds. Thereafter the viewer can decide if they want to stick around until the end or not.
2. Use videos in emails
It is understandable that not every email service provider offers such services, but find one that does, or upgrade to a plan that does. It is always nice to see videos in an email newsletter. It does not even have to be long and heavy in size. It could be as simple as a five to ten seconds GIF that is able to effectively send across the message of the entire email. Or you could add some sort of enhancing content that makes the receiver excited to look at the email and possibly click on the call to action in the email. As videos are very effective on social media, websites and other video platforms, don’t you think the same people that open emails would also be excited to see a short and simple video in their email? Renderforest revealed that brands can increase the click-through rates for their email campaigns to about 200% to about 300% by putting videos in their email newsletters.
3. Use video to replace a larger percentage of the text in emails
Everyone is used to seeing emails come in a lot of text and image format. This could be the reason why your subscribers are not so eager to open the email in the first place because they know that it is going to be a long boring text. Surprise them by easing them into what the video is about and then directing them to watch the video.
Renderforest revealed that more than 70% of marketing professionals confirmed that videos indeed increased conversions rate in emails. This cannot be too far from the truth, as we have seen the rise of many new video-centered social media platforms as well as other existing social media platforms incorporating videos and GIFs into the kind of contents that their users can share. So, this should tell you a little about the power of video marketing content in this era.
4. Have your target audience engage with the videos you share
It is important to keep your target audience engaged with the kind of video content that you share with them, this can help you know if they find the content useful or not. In cases where such content are not useful, you can then work on new content that they would find relevant enough to engage in. You can ask them to rate the video, comment, like, share or even click on links inserted.
5. Live stream videos too
Live stream video is one of the most underutilized types of video content sharing by many brands out there, but with the rise of more live stream options on the various social media platforms, brands should definitely be taking advantage of this to get more conversions. Live stream video gives brands the opportunity to let their target audience into the real personality behind a brand. You can create various live video content just to keep your target audience both entertained, aware of your services or products. It can even be used to tease them about an upcoming service or product that will be released soon. This creates some sort of anticipation for those products or service. You can share discount codes or special URL links for those watching the live video too, this way you can monitor the number of persons who actually took an action after the video.
6. Get creative with reviews
People always love to see or imagine what their life would be like when they are using a product or service, so brands need to get creative with the kind of videos they create around a product or service that they are trying to get the word out about. Don’t stick to the regular way of getting people to review a product they have used or showing how your customers are using a service. Try to paint a picture that reflects how every buyer persona of the brand can fit themselves into the character (s) in the video too.