10 Benefits of Instagram Marketing for Business

Since it originated in 2010, Instagram has over 400 million daily active users, and it has become a powerful social media tool which enables you to expand the presence of your product or service by maximizing your exposure and effectively marketing them to drive sales. In other words, Instagram allows you direct connection and interaction with your actual or prospective clients. Here are ten benefits of using Instagram to market your business.
Customer engagement
As stated previously, Instagram has one of the most engaged user bases in the social media world, and it can serve as the perfect social media tool that can help you engage with your customers, listen to reviews and feedbacks about your product or service and generally build relationships which can further promote your business. When customers pay for any of your products or services and follow you on Instagram, your brand appears on their feed regularly, and there is a higher chance that they can patronize you again.
Highly visualized adverts
Unlike other social media platforms, Instagram offers a very photo-centric approach, and it has a major advantage over other social media platforms as your brand is marketed using mostly photos or videos. This is highly beneficial as customers are readily attracted to especially stimulating pictures and videos. Also, potential customers tend to remember what they see and hear than what they just simply read. Instagram delivers quick and visual messages to customers which grab their attention while marketing your business. These benefits allow for easier engagement with both active and potential customers which drive them closer to making a purchase.
Knowing your customer base
Another major benefit of using Instagram to market your business is that it allows you to learn the various likes and dislikes of your customer base. You are able to discern the kind of posts that attract them and the ones that do not. This information helps you to effectively create a marketing strategy that has creative and stimulating content which keep customers engaged and drawn to your business. Also, knowing your customer base allows you to streamline content accordingly to specific customers.
Targeting a specific audience
Instagram allows you to reach out and connect with a specific audience you focus your marketing strategy on. With the help of a professional social media agency, you can easily streamline your marketing strategy based on age, interests, behavior or location. This is highly beneficial as Instagram users are specifically targeted based on any of these factors. Instagram also helps your business to identify its potential customers in the market and allows you to communicate content which stimulates their interest directly. You can also create customized target lists based on your customer’s Instagram engagement, video views and so much more.
Reaching new audiences
Instagram makes it easy to discover new trends, photos, people and businesses and this is done mostly using hashtags. With the proper use of hashtags, you can increase the visibility of your business, especially to newer audiences. Hashtags effectively summarize your content by using keywords which relate to your business thereby separating your business from the crowd. When you include a hashtag on your post about your business on Instagram, a link is created which enables you to source for potential customers actively. Also, hashtags make your content on Instagram more unique and the more likes and comments you get on your hashtags, the more you connect with your audience.
One of the great benefits of marketing on Instagram is that it can easily be shared across all other social media platforms. You can actively share and use the content, data, and information you generate on Instagram to market your product on other social media channels. This expands your reach to customers that are active on other channels and the more your viewers identify with your brand, the greater the likelihood of them making a purchase. This makes your marketing strategy more efficient as you don’t need new content to market on a different social media platform.
Promoting your business
Instagram is the best social media tool which can help you to effectively promote your business. With the promote feature on Instagram, you can boost your best content through paid advertisements. Also, Instagram helps you know which of your content is getting maximum exposure as customer views, comments and likes can be used to monitor all your posts which enable you to concentrate on customer engagement and brand awareness.
Gaining a competitive advantage
Marketing your business on social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter can be a little bit challenging as the competition for customer engagement and interaction is high. However, marketing your business on Instagram gives you an added advantage over your competitors as you are able to establish and reach your target audience faster and easier than other social media channels where the competition is higher. This is especially beneficial to small businesses or start-ups that lack the resources to compete with established brands.
Maximum exposure to customers
Unlike Facebook, the content you create to market your business show up in the feed of every single one of your followers. This is because Instagram doesn’t filter your posts which ensure that your content is seen by your followers. Also, your posts stand a good chance of getting seen because according to research by Comscore, users spend 12 billion minutes on Instagram each month. You can create and maintain a strong business profile as marketing on Instagram guarantees awareness and customer engagement.
Generating sales
Not only does Instagram allow you to promote your business using exciting images and videos, but it also drives sales through customer engagement. Instagram allows you to add tags to your business with links that include product description, price and how to makes purchases. With the use of this feature, it is easier for your business to attract sales from the content you generate on Instagram. Marketing with Instagram boosts the chances of your business of getting revenue from your posts than other social media platforms.