What is on-page SEO?
On-page SEO is the process of optimising the content of your website. The primary means of optimising content is through the use of keywords and phrases that will make your site relevant in search engine results. The better the research of your audience and the keywords they would use, the better your website will rank.
The optimization of your website also includes working on its structure. This means ensuring headings are optimized but also that there are meta-tags and meta-descriptions that also increase your relevancy.
You need a digital marketing agency to work with you in designing your on-page SEO because the updates sent out by search engines change the rules and the techniques you should use. Our marketing experts understand that you start your title tag with a keyword. The closer the keyword typed into the search engine is to your title, the greater the relevancy of your site.
Our experts also understand that to point search engines to your title you need to wrap it in a H1 tag and subheadings in a H2 tag. This way you help the search engine work out your relevancy easier. Some website development software does this automatically, some do not. Use our experts to ensure you are making the most of your on-page SEO.
If you are interested in optimizing your website, contact our SEO experts today.
How on-page SEO works?
SEO works by increasing your relevancy and authority. The more relevant you are and the more trustworthy you appear, the higher up the rankings you travel. Your aim is to get in the top three listings on a search engine.
On-page SEO is created through content on your site. This content may appear on the page or it may appear in HTML code. The copy and the meta-data will be laced with your keywords and phrases that will make you relevant when these terms are used in search engines.
By writing copy that has keywords in the headings, whether H1 or H2, and within the opening 100 words of the content, you guide the search engine to who would be interested and what they would be interested in.
On-page SEO also means making sure your site is responsive and fast. Slow page load rates and an unresponsive design on mobile will penalise your site and reduce your ranking. The design of your page on mobile is an example of how search engines are constantly updating the algorithm that decides where you rank. With the changes in technology, needs of user and the impact of optimization on the success of search engines, sites like Google and Bing are constantly tweaking the requirements. You need someone who understands how the algorithms are developed to truly understand how to keep you relevant in the rankings.
You also need a digital marketing expert to ensure you do not incur penalties. Search engine penalties can see you slip so far down the listings that you might as well disappear off the internet altogether. The optimization in your on-page SEO needs to appear organic and natural. If there is a hint of keyword stuffing, then you could find yourself in difficulties. With the help of our experts, you can have the right ratio of keywords to attract an audience and avoid your site losing all its ranking.
Why is it important for business?
You need to optimize your website to drive traffic from Google to your website. You need to appear at least on the first page of results and at best in the top three rankings for your customer. Without on-page SEO you will potentially disappear into obscurity, and there would be little traffic to your website. Search engines are still the primary means by which your customer will find you. You need an expert that understand the algorithm and the updates to the algorithm to make sure you stay visible.
It is important to your business because your competitors are doing it. It is a central feature of digital marketing and without it you are going to be at a disadvantage. You need to use all the tools in on-page SEO to make sure you continue to be relevant. SEO may take constant vigilance and monitoring but the return on the investment in time and money is potential leads to your site and from there successful conversion.
How we can help?
Our on-page SEO experts have a range of methods that can help your page rank high on Google. We can use keyword research related to your industry and your audience to decide on what copy to produce and what should be included in this content. We can help with the title of your page and add the appropriate HTML tags to guide Google through your content.
We can also encourage user interaction once your customer finds their way to your page. We can maximise page speeds and including high quality multimedia that will guide them through your buying funnel. This design will be responsive on a desktop and on a mobile phone. It will include outbound links that will signal the relevancy of your site in the eyes of Google. We can also include inbound links, which will help customers navigate but also signal content of your site to search engines.
If you are interested to learn more about how we can improve your visibility on search engines, contact 2o.com today. We have all the expertise needed to drive visitors to your site and then guide them to conversion.
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