The importance of branding with colors on your website

Have you asked yourself why many people tend to prefer one brand over another, despite no noticeable difference in the quality of the products? It is probably also why butterflies are attracted to flowers with brightly colored petals and scents. Humans generally tend to be drawn to anything that is visually appealing. Thanks to the concepts of color perception, visual appeal is just as important as the taste experience in food. For a brand to be visually appealing, effective branding practices must be considered.
Why branding is important
The concept of branding often focuses on design, symbols or other qualities that differentiate a product or organization from its competitors or rivals. For example, the branding of Coca-Cola and its immediate rival Pepsi Cola makes both beverages drinks well known globally by their customers. So companies without the right branding of its content cannot withstand the competition from their close rivals.
No matter how good or thrilling your adverts or marketing strategies are if you don’t have the consistent branding strategies, your product will always be plummeting. Despite how good your content is, poor branding can be a big blow to your business success.
75% of web users admit to scoring companies credibility based on the design of their websites. Branding your website will bring authenticity and uniqueness and also helps to weave marketing your content. Branding your website gives you a sense or proof of ownership as having a brand also signifies an identity. The use of a good web design agency that uses branding techniques can ensure that your website is designed to fit your customer base.
Why colors matter
Color is a visual stimulus. It stimulates attractiveness or dips unattractiveness. Because of the nature of objects, when light falls on them, it yields different effects and conveys a lot of meanings especially to perceptions. Different colors have different meanings, so care should be taken in choosing your colors. Let’s examine some more reasons why it is important to brand your website using the right colors.
Colors project certain feelings
Colors also tend to project various feelings, perceptions or impression on the eyes as a result of the way it absorbs, reflects or emits light. Likewise, the designing of a website employs the techniques of choosing the right colors.
Colors are relatable
The choice of colors in the design of your website is crucial because it creates the ability to impact a positive perception and makes the visitors stay longer. The longer your visitors stay, the more the power to entice them. Cool colors like white, blue, grey, have calming or soothing effects of your visitors’ perception. Warm colors like red, gold and orange can entice visitors into making purchases or playing audios and videos.
A red color, for instance, means danger. A safety and safety management organization website may want to design their website with the types of colors associated with their profession. However, a site that sells an environmental or green product should choose green or a color that relates to the earth, that matches with the product or service provided. Picking the right colors in the combinations scheme will generate a positive psychological impact; this is often known as color psychology.
Age is also another determining factor when choosing the right colors for your website. The choice of a site color should primarily be focused on the age of the consumers of your product. If the younger generation consumes your product, pick colors appealing to the young. A website that has products for sales, should choose color backgrounds that will make their product revealing on their website.
Colors make customers stay longer
Good colors can make your customer stay longer; this is especially true with the choice of background color. It will help to determine how long visitor will stay longer on your site or their willingness to revisit it. It is easier to read a black text on a white or brightly colored background.
Backgrounds may not necessarily be black, but a darker color is appropriate for brighter text colors and can be used to attract attention to the menu area in your page. Colors also help to draw attention to the critical areas of your website. An eye-pleasing palette and logo are also essential in establishing the visual appeal of your brand as it conveys a message to your viewers.
Colors help with recognition
The colors help customers to quickly identify a website (or its affiliated products) from another. They will also assist visitors to recognize certain aspects and click on it for viewing.
When looking at websites and apps such as Google, Tweeter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and adobe, you will notice that they all have unique and authentic logos and trademarks. This is a strategy employed to guide visitors to access their websites or applications easily.
In addition to colors, a website should have a brand name such as words, symbols, signs that can be written or spoken and they should be easily identifiable. Amazon as an example uses its brand name as the hallmark of the brand that makes it stand apart from similar purchase websites.
Colors have advertising power
Branding with colors can create a strong advertising power. The choice of color, the font of text, the mood or ideology of a logos design and its uniqueness can be an eye-catcher or flair that attracts people to it.
Branding also brings value to your website, and it ranks your site with other websites owning a logo.
Colors are useful when bookmarking
Using the right colors also help as an easy recognition in bookmarking. Most browsers come with the feature of stamping logos to bookmark lists. In a speed dial bookmark option, a user can easily click on the speed dial depicting your logos rather than typing the website address. Therefore, the importance of colors and branding of your website cannot be overemphasized. The idea of projecting your website should be the major priority in your marketing strategy rather than just its content.
Branding helps a site owner to unify all other affiliate web pages and related apps in a single community. Seeing your brands’ colors and logo on different social media handles can attract new or existing visitors to explore them. Colors, image or logos of your brand name should be the same as they appear on your website.