
How to improve your website traffic with google analytics

improve website traffic marketing

Actively increasing website traffic has been the most valuable approach when it comes to the marketing of an online business. This approach has been much more possible with the use of the Google Analytics tool which has been designed to monitor the traffic to a website by providing daily reports.

With the Google Analytics tool, actions of visitors to a particular website can be monitored which also provides an insight on how to better engage with visitors, to improve on the site’s key performance indicators. The tool also offers valuable resource data that are helpful for android apps.

All the above can only be carried out with the installation of the Google tracking code that gives access to customization of cross-domain sampling, enhanced link attribution, and the page speed sampling rate. This can be done with the help of an SEO agency that specialise in Google Analytics. Here are some valuable ways on how to improve your site with the use of Google Analytics.

1. Subscribe to the monthly reporting sheet

One of the most significant ways of using the Google Analytics is to subscribe to the analytics reporting sheet via email. This helps lessen the stress of collating data analytics and will make your reporting easier. With the use of the email reporting sheet, it provides only useful information on the complex extract sheet on your dashboards. The use of this strategy helps reduce the time spent on searching for insights on your dashboard. It also gives you the opportunity to be on top of your game from competitors. This can be done on the admin session of your dashboard by selecting the custom alert tab under view section.

2. Dig deep on the bounce rate

If your visitors tend to navigate the landing page of your site and easily get turned off from going further, it signifies some valuable content still needs to be attended to. Google analytics provides this information using the terminology ‘bounce rate’. This is based on the number of people viewing your site. If the bounce rate is high, it signifies there still a work to do in other to optimize your site for search engines. The information garnered from the bounce rate has helped developers in different ways such as adding content like opt-in forms, call to actions, subscription and even optimizing the speed of website for visitors online.

3. Draw your attention to keywords data

Google analytics provides a report on the keywords visitors used in search engines to get to your site. Most people might pay less attention to this because of other metrics vital to them. Focusing on keywords data is one basic analytical records that can help improve how people see your website in organic search. It gives you the best option of keywords your site will rank in Google and how you can improve on them. This data also supplies you with short tail keywords and long tail keywords.

4. Make your data analyzing easier with Search Console

How detailed and thorough you want your data to be interpreted on Google Analytics cannot be done without Google Search Console. This makes it all easier. Search console gives an up to date information on the performance on your pages. It detects errors on pages attributed to either wrong redirects from selected pages and also HTML improvements such as duplicate meta tags and faulty title pages. This not only detects them but tells you the position where it was detected. All this information by search console assists with improving your website to better rank in Google.

5. Study Conversion rate in segments

Setting different goals while using Google Analytics and tracking your performance is another thing. Most times reading analytical data might be confusing especially when your goals are not clear or defined. Building goals in segments is also an efficient way of studying conversion rates. It gives you an insightful approach in the way to track your conversion rate and helps to monitor the different actions taken by a visitor in each page. It also brings a valuable way of improving each goal to optimize site traffic.

6. Focus on behavior flow

It is possible to experience the different behavioral attributes of a visitor in the way they use your site. This approach will give you a detailed overview of the engagement pattern on your web content which helps reduce the publishing of irrelevant content on web pages. You will not only be given stats on engagement but will also be provided with the rate of disengagement as the visitor leaves your site.

7. Use Analytics a tool for analyzing the source of traffic

Knowing the source of traffic to your site is very important to develop and improve your optimization technique. Examining the source of traffic build plays a major role to strengthen all areas where traffic are generated from. It gives you a detailed spread of improving in areas where optimization is necessary.

8. Build attention to data from mobile and desktop users

When analyzing data, the spread of data on mobile and desktop users should be taken into serious consideration. The flow of traffic on your site can either be from the two main device usage: mobile and desktop user. The metrics that show the rate of engagement on each device is a key way to check how your site performance is in desktop and phone view. Contents and pages that have poor performance in different devices can be checked and improved on.

Also, ads targeted on either desktop users or mobile phone users can also be analyzed in Google Analytics to show their rate of engagement to optimize traffic flow on your site

9. Focus on key content

Every website using analytics has its primary aim to have a high conversion rate. But there is every tendency of some of your goals to lag behind in the performance scale. Focusing on areas where content has maximum engagement can save you the stress of setting up multiple goals on analytics that will fail. This has been one way by which content that needs optimization can be leverage upon for higher conversion rate and engagement.