Benefits of Pinterest Marketing

Discovering information on the world wide web with images was first made possible with the emergence of Pinterest in 2010, a web-based and mobile application that helps people pin vital images useful for their everyday life. This information, in image, GIFs and Video formats, can be saved and pinned to the dashboard of the user for easy access to the information when needed.
In simpler terms, the social networking platform allows users to follow accounts that interest them, pin relevant images, GIFs or videos shared by such accounts to individual dashboard areas which can later be accessed.
Pinterest boasts of its powerful user engagement level which is one of the things that has helped the social networking platform to remain relevant till date, despite the emergence of new social networking sites. Many have also discovered the powerful benefits of using Pinterest for marketing brands and businesses in this era which can be effectively implemented with the help of a specialist social media agency. Take a look at these 8 Benefits of Pinterest Marketing.
Create engaging content
The success of any popular or most followed Pinterest account thrives on quality content that is engaging to other users. The more engaging and interesting published contents on Pinterest are; the more users will pin such contents on their dashboard. This makes it easier for brands to know how engaging the content pushed out to the public, are. If it is discovered that users are not engaging with the published content, brands or businesses can take time to discover the current interest of their audience (using the Pinterest analytics tools) and tailor published content to their interests.
Increase traffic to the website for brand awareness
Copyblogger reported that Pinterest drove the greatest traffic to the external websites of users than the combined effort of other social networking sites like LinkedIn, Reddit, Google Plus and YouTube. With over 1.5 million unique visitors every day (175 million every month), spending about fifteen minutes, averagely, on the website, it gives businesses and brands, well positioned on the social networking platform, the opportunity to drive very organic traffic to their website, with little effort and no cost.
By doing simple things like using a username and profile name as the business’ or brand’s name, add a paragraph or two to the about page (briefly stating what the business or brand is about and its interest) and adding the website address to the profile page as well as on images, GIFs and video; brands or businesses struggling with recognition can gain popularity on Pinterest and drive that traffic to their website as well.
Also, Pinterest uses a lot of inbound links which increase traffic to the website of the brand or business. Inbound links from Pinterest can also improve website ranking on search engines. Pinterest users can also share the contents they find relevant on the business account to their own network of followers.
Get new leads and increase sales revenue
Using Pinterest to market a brand or business can help increase leads and sales revenue. When users on Pinterest find a brand’s or business’ content engaging they become curious and want to explore other things through the brand’s or business’ website. And if they find a product or service of interest, they could make a purchase or subscribe to get notified for something that interests them on the website.
It is also important to keep in mind that contents published on the website of the brand or business must be as engaging (or even more) than what is published on Pinterest. Marketing Supply Co. stated that about ninety-three per cent Pinterest users plan to make a purchase. In fact, most go to Pinterest to find inspiration to an idea or project they are working like (like planning a wedding, birthday bash, photo shoot etc.), hoping to get links to where they can purchase the relevant contents they have pinned to their dashboard.
Free in-built analytics tool
Pinterest has a special analytics tool that makes it easy to track key metrics, in order to understand specific user behavior on a brand’s or business’ Pinterest account. This will essentially make it easier for brands and businesses to track important metrics like the number of persons pinning content from the website to their Pinterest (if Pinterest is integrated into the website). This is done to get an accurate figure of the total numbers of engagement each published content is getting.
Engage new and existing customers
The Pinterest platform gives businesses and brands the opportunity to interact with new and existing customers both through their website and their account on Pinterest, which in the long run helps the business or brand to grow.
Marketing Supply Co revealed that about seventy-six per cent of Pinterest users are introduced to new brands and businesses every time. This is a window of opportunity that should be taken advantage of. Brands and businesses can also know those engaging their contents and the contents they are engaging with the most. This will guide brands and business in knowing the kind of content that will keep interesting their target audience.
With Pinterest businesses and brands can know who exactly is engaging their contents. Extra effort can be put into checking out the interest of these individuals to update the business’ or brand’s board with pins relevant to their interests. The data extracted from the Pinterest analytics can be used to create and run a more effective ad campaign on Pinterest to existing customers and new ones (who are likely to find content published, by the business or brand, relevant to them).
Create viral content
A content becomes viral when so many people are engaging with it. Users can save and pin to there boards, or save and share to their network of Pinterest followers or save and share on other social networking sites. A lot of viral marketers and influencers use Pinterest to make content go viral.
This is very possible to achieve on Pinterest because the social networking platform thrives on “wildfire” engagement level compared to other social networking sites and this is one of the reasons why Pinterest remains relevant today. Two key things make contents go viral: content quality and engagement, and Pinterest offers engagement while individuals need to shoulder the responsibility of creating engaging content.