5 ways that live video is changing marketing

You may have spotted the option to go live on Facebook. Why on earth would anyone choose to go live in their everyday life? Well, the truth is that live video is not really designed for the everyday user – though we are sure they will find a way to use this effectively – live video is more for the brand storytellers who seek to interact directly with their consumers.
Special announcements
Tesla masterminded the ultimate of special announcements by launching a car into space and propelling it towards mars. Also, the live video special announcement of the new Tesla trucks – that just happened to be carrying Tesla’s luxury model was pretty genius. Elon Musk knows how to put on a show and have this streamed as live video across internet platforms.
If you have a new product launch or an announcement of importance to the development of a brand – then set up a conference and send it out to the world via live stream. If you want to see how the pros do it – then just watch the Facebook developers conference with Mark Zuckerberg announcing through live online video the new dating application, he intends to introduce to his social media site.
Using social influencers
Live video is also a great way to use your social influencers. It is fine to pay money to the Kim Kardashians of the world to drop product mentions into tweets and posts – but what if they sent out notification that they would be talking live via video at a set time – and your product would be a part of the live video. The power for the consumer is feeling they are sharing a moment with the influencer – they are hearing them as they are speaking the words. If you are not convinced that live access to influential people is important – consider why bands tour the world and participate in live gigs – when you can easily access old material on YouTube.
Hosted streams
Hosted streams have been used particularly effectively by political parties. The hosting of live town hall debates, news conferences, live questions and answer sessions with different demographics – have all been effective ways of stimulating interest in the audience.
The use of live video in this way means that the audience can send through questions and comments that can be conveyed to the participants in almost real-time. This can shape the nature of the live event – with the participants encouraged to answer directly to the people who are watching. This level of engagement in the audience is likely to bring the consumer back to your social media or your website time and again – as active participation breeds a desire for further action (and, in converse, passive observation leads to passivity.)
Live events
A man jumped off a platform attached to a balloon that was flying into space and went free-falling to earth – all on live video online – and all we can remember is that it was Red Bull that gave him those wings. This was a live event that was years in the making but went viral around the world. Red Bull as a brand are excellent at setting up stunts that people want to watch – so they follow them on social media and seek out the live video as it is happening. The consumer seeks out the brand to watch essentially a live advertisement for the qualities of the product.
Certain news outlets have begun to use live events as click bait. Streaming the US press briefing live via Facebook – with the option to comment and emoji react to comments – has become a regular occurrence. The chance to watch the sunrise in an exotic country and comment on where you are seeing this also helps build a community. The event does not have to be of your making – nor does it have to be huge – but it is enough to make the user interested enough to click and therefore interact with your brand.
Get behind the scenes access
Another way to draw your user closer to your brand is to give them an insider perspective. Some video games producers have used live video of behind the scenes development and testing to give a sense of anticipation for a future release. The idea of getting to know the developers is part of a culture of gaming – and the building of a community that the user wants to be a part of.
Some television shows also use live video either after the broadcast or in the green room during the broadcast. This use of live video gives a three-dimensional experience to the act of watching television. The idea is to make those that choose to watch this live video feel more inside the organisation than those who are just watching the television programme.
London Fashion Week used behind the scenes live footage particularly well. They used the live videos to give sneak peaks of the shows and the designs – so that the consumer would want to visit the event or to seek out more information about the new lines on show.
In short
Live video is a great way to get close to your consumer and add to your brand story. It requires that you take a risk – as live video is – well live – and therefore there are chances for things to go wrong. However, if you trust the technology and invest in the right people to hold these events – then the power for the brand is immediate – and huge.
Marketing is now all about the customer experience and showing the consumer that the brand cares. Therefore, live video shows a degree of effort and interaction that demonstrates a desire to make a connection with the audience. You are also listening to these people as you are streaming – getting direct customer voice – with the chance to respond immediately. This voice of the consumer can then be fed back into development teams to improve the quality of your offer to your industry sector. It is an all-round win.