5 Benefits of Using Programmatic Advertising

When you approach a person or a company to buy advertising space, you must have done your homework on ensuring that they are first a legitimate and credible brand. Most importantly, you may have carried out some research to ascertain whether they are able to reach the target audience you want the advert to get to. Now, with a few email strings going back and forth, as well as chats, texts, and visits (if necessary), you will be able to seal a good advertising slot deal.
Now the big question is, what if you could have all of that done by a computer? This is exactly what programmatic advertising is. It is the purchase of digital advertising platforms using computers. This way brands will only be paying based on the effectiveness of the advert as they have control over where they want to publish their adverts as well as the time and frequency they want the adverts to run.
What is Programmatic Advertising?
Computer software is used to automate the process of buying, placing and optimizing all adverts. The major difference between programmatic advertising for digital marketing platforms and other ways to buy advert slots is that programmatic advertising is completely automated – no human interaction involved at all.
With these kinds of software, brands can now send the right message, to the right person through the right medium at the right time (which is the key message of every marketing expert’s advice). Doing this enables brands to be more precise about their marketing campaigns and they will be able to predict their sales.
5 Benefits of Using Programmatic Advertising
Programmatic advertising comes with many benefits and can transform your marketing results when implemented successfully with the help of a digital marketing agency. Read on to further understand the benefits of implementing programmatic advertising.
1. Marketing budgets can be spent wisely
Quite a lot of brands invest a huge amount of funds to market their brands with the traditional methods of advertising which involves buying digital advertising slots. Often times, with the traditional advertising options brands can’t tell how effective their advert was – not to mention the possibility of receiving feedback. Feedback is essential as it enables a business to make adjustments to their marketing campaigns. With digital marketing platforms, brands can actually track and measure their marketing campaigns. However, spending on digital marketing platforms is more effective and efficient when computer software is responsible for buying these spaces. Of course, this software would also do its homework based on available data, to determine which digital advertising platform would be most effective for the campaign. Thereby helping brands to cut cost on expenses for marketing across various digital marketing platforms. They no longer have to just hope to make sales through the different digital platforms they advertise on without the certainty of getting good returns on marketing investments.
2. Target audience can be identified easily
Not every person is your customer. Even blood banks selling blood do not sell to everyone because we all have different blood groups despite the fact that every human needs blood to survive. The success of any marketing campaign and sales predictability is being extremely accurate about who your target audience is. This is a core marketing principle. Rather than running marketing campaigns based on assumed demographic details of the different buyer personas of the brand, brands can now use Programmatic advertising uses data to drill down on a more accurate buyer persona for the brand before pushing out any advertising on digital marketing platforms. With this data-based knowledge, brands can now create content that will suit that particular demography and identify the best digital platform to reach them. The goal of any brand is the send the right message to the right person, through the right medium at the right time and this is what programmatic advertising offers.
3. Easy data storage
Properly analyzed data can improve the way the way brands approach their marketing strategies and marketing campaigns so that they can get better results. Now because programmatic advertising works with data, brands can always update such data based on the outcome of recent adverts. This helps to improve the efficiency and performance for subsequent marketing campaigns. This would also ultimately have a positive impact on the return on marketing investments. Working with programmatic advertising gives advertisers a little more peace of mind about the results they get, knowing fully well that data doesn’t like even when humans have the tendency to. With this, they are able to focus on tracking all these data, analyze it and used it to improve their overall marketing strategies and campaigns.
4. Marketing campaigns can be easily executed
Programmatic advertising makes it very easy for any advertiser to launch their marketing campaign. It takes out all the hitches and delays involved when having to purchase digital advertising slots through the humans (who are the middle agents in this chain). Apart from eliminating the hurdles of middle agents, it also eliminates the stress and time it takes to manually input all necessary information that is usually required when setting up an advert for digital platforms. The process is usually a very rigorous one, that is why you have some people who specialize in such digital advertising platforms. They are the ones who know exactly what to input and where so that brands can get the most out of their marketing campaigns but with programmatic advertising, all of that is eliminated making it even faster for an advertiser to connect with the target audience.
5. Easy sales prediction
If you know your advert is going to reach 500 people, you can decide to prepare to sell to half of that figure or a quarter of that figure. This is far better than not knowing the kind of sales you would experience and being either over-prepared or under-prepared for it which could have a negative effect on the brand.